Did you see that Fandango has a Frozen 2 Movie Deal? Act quickly and you may be able to use if for tickets this week! Just buy 2 specially marked packages of Yoplait Yogurt, and save your receipt. Take a photo and scan in your receipt on Fandango. They will review it within 2 business days, and you should receive your credit! I love free movie tickets! I’m going to the store later today to see if the specially marked yogurts are out yet. *Update: We have found the GoGurt ones at our local Meijer store, so they are definitely starting to arrive. My husband uploaded his receipt, and we are waiting for the ticket confirmation. It says it usually takes 2 business days, so we should be good to go when Frozen 2 comes out at our local theater Friday! https://www2.activaterewards.com/DisneyFrozen2?intcmp=IMA_Yoplait_merch

It looks like there is also a deal for a free Christmas Movie with specially marked packages of Chex Cereal. That is a gluten-free cereal that my boys eat, and it happens to be on sale at Meijer this week. I haven’t seen the specially marked packages at our store yet, but let us know if you’ve seen them in your area. Save even more by using the $1.50 off of 3 Chex cereals coupon on Coupons.com.
Also, if you are looking for Frozen 2 toys ahead of the movie, Amazon currently has some on sale, like this adorable Musical Elsa doll that sings the new song, Into the Unknown, or this Frozen 2 playset, which is currently $5 off with the coupon on Amazon!
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Nice, and just at the right time!