I need to introduce you to another member of our family, our beautiful black lab, Knight. My boys named him after Batman, the Dark Knight. Well, that was after much deliberation, writing name suggestions on pieces of paper and drawing them out of a bucket. We have 2 boys, and they could not agree on a name. My 6 yr old wanted to name him love dog, but luckily Knight was the name that was picked out of the bucket. He loves attention and playing with toys. We have some recommendations that we think your dog will love as well.

Isn’t it great how pets can be just as much a part of your family as anyone else? When he’s gone I really miss him quite a bit. He was just at the doggie spa, getting a nice bath and his nails trimmed. Anyway, I wanted to share with you today one of Knight’s favorite toys. We have had such a hard time finding toys that he can’t chew through. I had a dalmatian growing up, and I don’t remember having this problem with him. Although he ate anything that was in his path or on the counter. Luckily, Knight is a much better-behaved dog overall.
Yet, he still needs something to chew on and keep him occupied. He loves to eat carrots when we are peeling them, and if I am cutting apples for the boys, he is right there beside me, waiting for a piece. Even some of the toys rated for big dogs do not hold up to his chewing. He chewed through our baseboard when he was a puppy one time, so finding him something safe to chew on and play with was a high priority for me.
One day, I was searching through Amazon and reading reviews and I came upon these balls from West Paw. He loves both the ball and the Zogoflex Hurley Bone Chew Toy. I love that they are durable, won’t hurt his teeth, and because of their color, they are easy to find in the grass. They also float! They are a great toy to play with, in the water as well. Knight has not been able to chew through these West Paw toys. The only time we had a mishap with one of the balls was when we accidentally left it in the grass when our lawnmowers came, and they ran over it with a huge lawnmower. I think that’s to be expected. I love these balls so much that I have even gifted them to family and friends with big breed dogs. So far everyone has been super pleased with them.
Another great thing for your dog is this amazing Furbo Dog Camera and treat dispenser! You can check on what your pet is doing while you are at work or out running errands. If they are upset you can talk to them with a calming voice and send them a treat all from your phone! How cool is that!?! It’s currently on sale on Amazon. Amazon also has a video of how this works, so click the highlighted link above to check it out! This is definitely something I would buy for my boy for Christmas.
One other product that Knight really loves is these Himilayan Hard Yak Cheese Stick. It keeps him occupied for a long time. It was especially great when he was a young pup and needed to chew regularly. It is definitely one of his favorite treats, and it is such a good thing for a big dog. I probably will even stick one of each of these in his stocking this Christmas. What are your pets favorite toys? Do you give your pet a stocking at Christmas? Let us know in the comments below!
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When you have a beloved family pet, especially one just like Knight, who makes it very obvious that he takes protecting his family to be a very serious task, you do want treats that they will truly enjoy!
When you have a beloved family pet, especially one just like Knight, who makes it very obvious that he takes protecting his family to be a very serious task, you do want treats that they will truly enjoy!
He loves his West Paw balls!