Let It, Snow! Great Gift Ideas for those who Love Snow.

Let It, Snow! Great Gift Ideas for those who Love Snow.

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I can’t believe it’s not even Mid-November, and we have already had 2 big snowfalls in Wisconsin! Have you seen snow yet? One thing my boys love to do when it snows is to go outside and make snowmen and snow angels. One thing I hate is always trying to find the right decorations for the snowmen. It’s hard enough for me to find hats, scarves, and mittens for the kids. Am I right? Well, these adorable snowman kits they have on sale right now on Amazon are the perfect solution!

Okay, so this snowman is a little too tiny for decorations, but my kids love to also build a big snowman every time it snows. They build them in a variety of sizes. I love that they have snowman decorations you can buy in one box on Amazon. No searching for the right sized carrot or eyes and buttons at the last minute for your child who wants to build the perfect snowman. You can keep it all in one box, and it makes a great Winter and holiday gift for any snow lover on your list!

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Also, if you haven’t read the book Snowmen at Night, I would highly recommend that you get it this Winter. It makes a great gift for any kid or kid at heart. It’s a story about the adventures snowmen go on when we aren’t watching them at night! It’s so cute and creative. My 8 year old loved reading it last year. You can read this for free if you sign up for an Amazon Kindle Unlimited Plan. Right now you can even get a month free! They always have certain books that are free each month for both kids and adults. Snowmen at Night is currently one of the free ones on the Kindle Plan. My boys love reading books on their iPads. Kindle Unlimited would make a great gift, and it will give your kids something educational to do during school breaks and on weekends. I also love that it’s like going to the library, but with no late fees!

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Just click one of the highlighted links or one of the pictures above, and it will take you to Amazon to see the snow-themed gift ideas! Have you had any snow yet? Post and comment below and let me know! Click below to sign up for a Kindle Unlimited Plan.

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